Every Autumn, I released new major brush packs. I developed these from the earlier popular items that the customers love. This year, let me introduce you to the Procreate “Fashion Beading” brushes! Shortly after released the brush pack, it earned a “Best Seller” batch on Etsy! Thanks everyone who bought this!
This brush pack has many common sequin and bead shapes, pearls, and crystals. In this pack, you can use the brushes to create so many beautiful designs. The sister brush pack is “Couture Sequin.” It has been selling well since 2021. Consider this if you want to get extra sequin brushes.
Visit the Fashion Beading product page for more info and all sample illustrations.
Gold Sequin Gown Illustration Tutorial
I had such a fun time creating these fashion illustrations for artwork samples. Here is the tutorial I filmed while making an illustration sample for my Procreate Fashion Beading Brushes. This tutorial shows you how I use my brushes to create the Gold Sequin Gown. It also demonstrates how to use a reference fashion photo for practice fashion illustration, serving a visual purpose. I sped up most of the drawing process (x3) because it would be too long. I edited the tutorial so that you understand the illustration process.
Short Drawing Reels
During the making of sample artworks, I filmed some part of each gown. I want to share with you how I used each brush.
Silver Sequins Mermaid Gown
The process of drawing this gown is quite simple. Create a solid base gown shape. Then fill in the background with Confetti brush (for blurry sequin texture). After that, I used the Glowing Round Brush 3 to draw sequin rows very lightly on the entire gown. To finish the gown, I used the Glowing Round Brush 2. I added strong highlights on the rears and around the edge of the garment.
For the necklace and charm, I used brushes from the Pearl Bead, and Crystal Brush groups. These brushes are included with the Fashion Beading brush pack. For this drawing, I used the back view hourglass pose model clipart PNG file. You can see the model choices here.
Midnight Blue Gown
This gown was made with mainly Long Bead brush. Then it was added partially with round sequin and star sequin brushes. The round pearl beads were added later (same brush with different sizes). Making a shadow underneath the pearls helps made them really pop!
Pearls Embroidery Bridal Gown
This gown is quite different from the other ones. I apologize for not filming the first part of this drawing! Still, the process is quite simple. I used the round pearl brush (the pressure sensitive one) to draw the upper part of the gown. I created the design on one side and then duplicated, flipped and tilted to fit with the pose. The silver thread in the background was filled in at the lower layer. For the silver leaves, I used the round overlap sequin brush to draw each leaf.
For the record, I had a reference photo of the embroidery fabric (not a dress) while drawing this gown. It helped me visually. You can find a reference that inspires you to help with visualizing.
For this drawing, I used a walking pose model clipart. You can see the model choices here.
Black Tulle Gown
This gown is the easiest one to draw! I used my new brush pack “Illustration Basic” , Grainy 1 Brush, to create a voluminous tulle fabric. Then, I used the Glowing Round Bead 2 or 3 and the Aurora Glowing Bead brushes for the entire gown.
I also used a model clipart in this drawing.
See full images of these fashion illustration in the product page.