Hi everyone, this blog post is created for sharing my tutorials of all the brushes in the Procreate Fashion Bundle. I will update new tutorials here when they are released. So, please check back or consider subscribe at the bottom of this blog to get my newsletters for the updates!
Mini Fashion Art Box : Procreate Fashion Illustration For Beginners.
This tutorial was made for beginners who want to learn fashion illustration using Procreate. This is a good place for you to start if you don’t have any experience with fashion drawing. Use Mini Fashion Art Box with this tutorial. When you finish, you can look into these brush packs to practice more: Fashion Figure 10 Mixed Poses, Fashion Alcohol Markers, Designer Sketch Box.

Fashion Figure Stamps & Gold Thread Embroidery Brushes
In this tutorial, the pose was from the 30 poses pack but you can use any pose from the 15 poses pack. For coloring the model, I used NM Compact Illustration Art Box. For embroidery, I used both Gold Threads Vol.1 and Gold Threads Vol.2

Visit Fashion Beading Blog Post for the video tutorials.

Sparkling Confetti Glitter Brushes & Organza Drapes Brushes
The beloved Sparkling Confetti brushes are easy to use! I also made short reels using this brush set for my Instagram. In this video, I used Organza brush “Drape 4” which you can find in the Organza Drapes pack in the bundle. Model is not included in the bundle but you can create your own or see model PNG clipart here.

Curly Hair Brushes Tutorial
In this tutorial, you will learn how to create 2 hair styles using the Curly Hair Brushes and the model PNG clipart that comes with the product.

Essential Hair Brushes Tutorial
This tutorial will explain how I used each brush from Essential Hair Brushes to create the illustration on the cover.

Wavy Hair Stamps Tutorial
This tutorial shows you how I adjust the hair stamp to fit with the model face. The brush pack I used for coloring is the Essential Hair Brushes. Stamp brush is from Wavy Hair Stamps.

Coloring Hair with Marker Brushes
I used brushes from The Marker Collection in this tutorial. However, you can use the similar brushes from Fashion Alcohol Markers or Illustration Basic or Compact Illustration Art Box. The hair stamp is from the Wavy Hair Stamps.

How to create Paper Textures
Adding realistic texture is quite easy. In this quick tutorial, I use Paper & Wall Textures for demonstration.

Home Embroidery Brushes
In this quick demo, I want to show you how to create perfect circle embroidery. If you don’t know how, check this out. Just draw a circle, hold the Apple Pencil and then use your finger to hold on the screen 🙂 . This exercise is helpful when you use Crafty Stitches, Home Embroidery Brushes, and the Gold Threads.

Visit my PATREON If you want to learn more Procreate Fashion Illustration, I have many archived video tutorials. They include the brushes to follow along!
This blog will be updated when the new tutorials are made. Please check back again. You can also subscribe to receive news and updates.